Public Service Announcement –
The Meeting Guy will contribute facilitation services to Sebastopol’s he ‘General Plan Update Report’ Community Workshop on Saturday, February 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Community Church, 1000 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol.
The workshop, ‘Common Ground: Building a Shared Vision for Sebastopol’ is intended to identify priority policy initiatives and flesh out implementation concepts for consideration in the upcoming Sonoma State student report.
We are hoping that this workshop will take the results of the recent ‘subcommittee’ meetings for this project to the next level of policy formulation and priority-setting. Results may be considered for City policy implementation in a future General Plan update, or in other policy initiatives.
A plethora of ideas (‘voting results’) from the subcommittee meetings is posted on the City web site at:
Hope to see you there!
David Ferrera, The Meeting Guy