If society can recognize the infinitesimally small window we are in, we may yet successfully embrace the urgency required for collective action. Here in Carbon Privilege, Carbon Supremacy Part II, we continue to build the ramp towards recognizing how small our...
You addict? Me addict. CARBON PRIVILEGE Carbon Privilege! A term I coined to describe those of us who enjoy the immeasurably vast benefits of absurdly high carbon footprints. The proper noun, then, is “Carbonist”. It’s easy to imagine your first meeting, right?...
It’s a wild ride, navigating this new era of sensitivity and awareness. What are some of the practices you use for staying relaxed, healthy and productive, even as volatility increases? Personally, I’m working on my humility. As a post-middle-aged Boomer...
A question I hear from clients / peers: Does my work in the world represent who I truly am? I went outside to find an answer. Standing in the darkness of Laguna Park, in the border between combustion engines and exothermic nightcrawlers, I search for myself. The...
We Need Meetings! Are you committed to generating a healthy future? We need meetings to do that. Me, you, us, them, we, I and You. You need meetings! Meetings that PRODUCE. Meetings are where it...
“Keys to Emotional Intelligence in Organizations” The Meeting Guy supports corporate teams, nonprofit organizations, and intentional communities. Tool: Emotional Intelligence Proficiency with emotional intelligence (EI) is an effective predictor for improving...