Cassandra Ferrera, Green Key Real Estate, and The Meeting Guy have set sail towards our next adventures, and I wanted to share this amazing news with the vast throngs of Everyday Superheroes who read this blog…

Cassandra (with her perfect access to the Divine Diner) and The Meeting Guy (with his ever-burning life force) have teamed up to take on the most important, the most relevant, and the most apocalyptic event in history: We are parentst!

And as all of you know by now… when Cassandra Ferrera puts an order in to the Divine Diner, the Eternal Goddess swoons with desire to serve. Yes, it was time to CREATE LIFE. What more powerful act? What better application of Superhero Powers?  And the miracle of miracles, River Serafina, has now been with us for almost 3 years… teaching me every single day.

The second adventure referenced above is very similar to the first, and may have almost as large an impact:  Now we are going to birth literature. Yes, your wickedly sexy do-gooders are out to change the world for the better, by (Finally! At long last!) writing a manual, a Contract For The Earth! But not just a book we are writing the definitive opus on ‘how to live the life of wonder and goodness though effcient resource sharing.’

Basically, we’re creating the step-by-step guide for living better, in community.    And, in RIVETING NEWS… the book’s gestation period is 36 months… yep, we’re going to start the process on the day the new website launches, and nurture it’s life along with the life of our ever-growing community, children, and ethics….. 36 months, 12 chapters each of which correlates with the 12 Permaculture Principles, and together we create the birth of a new paradigm for sustaining life by living Smart and Green…  Here’s to all the Gaia Superheroes, and to a bright new future…